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Christina Clemens10/5/15 9:34 AM3 min read

PPC Tips To Keep You From Going Broke Using Google Adwords


Pay-per-click marketing (PPC), also sometimes referred to as search engine marketing (SEM), generates clicks to websites in a non-organic fashion. Google AdWords is the most popular of all PPC options, given Google's leading position among search engines. It also offers a 27.7% clickthrough rate for the first position in mobile search ads on Google.

Where Does PPC Fit into Your Marketing Strategy?

Many marketers wonder whether PPC fits into the inbound methodology, since inbound is founded in organic traffic development. However, the answer is a resounding yes. Here’s the thing about PPC -- when done correctly, it puts relevant information in front of people who are looking for it. That means ads reach the proper audience and help them to achieve their desired result (instead of hindering them).

By the same token, PPC helps search engines do their job and do it better. Searchers get the information they want, advertisers increase revenue and everyone is happy. Tweet_This

Using Google AdWords isn’t a set it and forget it kind of deal. To stay relevant, you’ll need to keep your campaign as fresh and up-to-date as possible. On that note, it’s time to jump right into some PPC tips to help you get the most out of your AdWords campaigns.

Quick Tips to Maximize Your AdWords ROI

  • Be ready to focus. This process is time-consuming, but it will pay off if performed properly. If it’s your first time running a campaign, work on one at a time.

  • Bid on terms related to your unique offerings. Use a mix of short-tailed keywords and long-tailed keywords.

  • Focus on paying for searches and clicks you’re not currently receiving organically. Think outside of the box and go after keywords that have a smaller search volume because this means there is lower competition. You can also hire a local PPC service to run those campaigns on your behalf and attract maximum traffic, conversions, sales, and revenue from local searches.

  • For local businesses, make sure ads are going out to your target areas. You can manage the areas you want to target in your campaign's settings. 

  • Write persuasive and action-oriented adverts. Characters are limited in Adwords so be short, simple, and to the point. Give your audience a one liner of why they should click to read more and provide some sort of value. 

  • Use data from your campaign to determine which keywords have the highest 'Return on Ad Spend.' 

  • Analyze the same data to block keywords you don’t want to match for (negative keywords). I recommend adding these negative keywords into your Shared Library so that you don't have to manually add them to individuals campaigns. 

  • Concentrate on being in the top three for your searches. 

  • Make sure the content on your landing pages matches with the content in your ads to maintain high ad quality scores. When you have a high-quality score, you can potentially outbid your competitors even when they are bidding way higher than you. If Google thinks your ad is better tailored to the searcher's needs, it will favor your ads, which means less spending for you. 

  • Likewise, keep CTAs in line with search queries. Put it this way, be sure the message in your content flows consistently from the ad all the way to the thank you page.

  • Constantly update your ads, including keywords, negative keywords, landing pages, and settings as you gain more expertise in AdWords.

  • Once you have a developed strategic campaign, increase your daily budget to obtain greater returns on your investment.

When it comes to Google AdWords, we can’t stress collecting and analyzing data enough. Tweet_This While you’ll need to give your campaign time to flourish, a proactive approach will yield the results you’re looking for.

For ideas on how to make the most out of your Google AdWords campaign, contact us at Inturact to learn more about our approach.

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Christina Clemens

Check out all of the latest marketing blogs written by Christina Clemens, Inturact's Client Success Manager.