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Christina Clemens5/2/16 3:41 PM4 min read

How SaaS Companies Can use HubSpot Workflows

How SaaS Companies Can use HubSpot WorkflowsSo, you've gotten some pretty darn good leads lately, and a few others that might stick...but where do you go from here? You could solely target the highly qualified leads, or you can continue to nurture both sets.

Using HubSpot's workflows, you can segment your audience and send different targeted messaging or calls to action (CTA's) based on lifecycle stage, number of clicks, form submissions, and level of interest. In fact, 76% of the world’s largest SaaS companies already use marketing automation, according to Pardot.Tweet_This.png

Workflows allow you and your marketing team to save time, build relationships with your leads, and help advance your leads deeper down the sales funnel.

Why SaaS Companies Should Use Workflows

This can be particularly useful for SaaS companies which have multiple stages of the sales funnel where it’s important to maintain contact. Yep, I’m talking about that critical time when someone signs up for a free trial and needs some nudging so they don’t fall off the radar before becoming a customer. Or how about people who are really just at a stage where they’re collecting information and download an eBook from you? We don’t want to lose track of them either!

Workflows can help both of these situations and more with a series of automated actions that you define. Workflows make your life easier as a marketer by automatically sending emails, updating contact info, and also triggering email notifications - all at just the right time that a prospective customer might need a little more of a nudge. After all, as a marketer, you're job is to entice your lead with the right message at the right time.

Importantly, using workflow productivity tools also means consistency and efficiency in your processes, ensuring that no opportunity slips through the cracks, which is essential for scaling your operations smoothly.

How Workflows will Drive More Subscriptions

There are three main benefits of workflows SaaS companies can use to their advantage.

1. Lead Segmentation

By segmenting your audience based on lifecycle stage, you can target specific messages, emails,  and CTA's for them, and help the nurturing process. For example, if you notice 10 leads have clicked the pricing page of your website last week, you could segment these leads into a workflow. Using that workflow, you can send a follow-up email to them offering a free trial, or even send a coupon, so the lead will be more inclined to use your product.

By using workflows, SaaS companies can target the right leads and send prospective leads down the sales funnel in a shorter amount of time due to proper lead nurturing. Market2Lead also found that "leads that go through automated workflows have a 23% shorter sales cycle."

2. Optimizing Workflow Timing

You can set a workflow for the right time in life cycle stage. You wouldn't want to bombard a new subscriber with two emails per week, but for a lead that's ready to buy, this could be a great tactic. Having workflows trigger at the right time also helps the sales team send their outreach email at the correct stage. By having these targeted workflows, you can grow your reach.

You can also set your contact property value for your leads. This allows you to create a list of new subscribers so that when an action is triggered (such as a click on a BuzzSumo campaign CTA), it will change the property to "subscriber." Or if a lead requests a demo and that is a key metric for you, the workflow automatically changes the lead's life cycle stage into a marketing qualified lead.

Based on the lead's lifecycle stage, you can either have a sales rep reach out, or provide more information to engage the lead. Even if a lead seems lost or disinterested, you could segment those people and tailor your offers to entice them to take another look at your product.

Going a step further, you can even time the settings on your workflow to fire only on weekends, or Mondays, or within a particular timeframe, etc.

3. Saving Your Valuable Time

Bottom line is that workflows lead to optimal efficiency for more focused and personalized consumer outreach. Gone are the days you have to manually send out emails, coupons, and new information.

Schedule your workflows to send automatically, and you will save valuable time with good old fashioned economies of scale. Once a campaign is live, you won't have to touch a thing… your workflows do the rest! Now this is not to say that personalization is not still important to business, it certainly is, but there are ways to optimize your time so that you can save the personal touch for when it’s needed.

Think of all that you can do with the time that is saved by sending email notifications to your lead sales rep when a lead checks out the pricing page, or becomes sales qualified. In the past, you would have a multi-step process to add contacts to a certain list, update their lifecycle stage, and send an offer - allowing important leads to be neglected for too long, or worse, slip through the cracks completely (and no one wants that kind of SaaSHole). Now, one workflow can complete all these actions. Tweet_This.png

Workflows and SaaS Companies Go Together

Software companies, especially subscription based software companies, are founded on the concept of simplifying people’s lives with their products. So why wouldn’t a SaaS company want to take advantage of an automation tactic that simplifies their efforts for acquiring and retaining customers?

We haven’t even scratched the surface of what some simple automation tactics like workflows can do for SaaS companies. Interested in learning more? 

Take a look at our eBook that dives into Strategic Marketing Tactics for SaaS Companies.

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Christina Clemens

Check out all of the latest marketing blogs written by Christina Clemens, Inturact's Client Success Manager.