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Priya Nain4/6/23 12:28 AM8 min read

6 Best User Onboarding Examples for SaaS

User onboarding is a critical process for Software as a Service (SaaS) companies as it directly impacts user acquisition, retention, and revenue. It helps new users understand the value of the product and how to use it to meet their needs. A successful user onboarding process can lead to increased user adoption and usage, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and retention rates.

By providing users with a clear understanding of the product and how to use it, a good user  onboarding experience can also help companies gain a competitive advantage in the market. Let’s understand the benefits and take a look at some of the best user onboarding examples for SaaS companies.

Benefits of a Good User Onboarding Experience

Since a good user onboarding experience can lead to increased revenue and customer lifetime value, it becomes an essential part of any business strategy. A well-designed user onboarding experience can lead to various benefits, some of which are:

  • Improved user engagement: Effective user onboarding can help users become more engaged with the product, leading to increased usage, feedback, and referrals. Engaged users are more likely to remain loyal to the product and advocate it to others.
  • Reduced churn rates: An effective user onboarding process can help users achieve their desired outcomes and realize the value of the product. This, in turn, can reduce churn rates and increase customer lifetime value (CLV).
  • Data collection: User onboarding provides an opportunity for SaaS companies to collect valuable user data, such as user preferences, behaviors, and pain points. This information can be used to improve the product and tailor marketing strategies to target specific user segments.

How to Make User Onboarding Successful?

To make user onboarding successful, it's essential to focus on creating a seamless and engaging experience that helps new users quickly understand and adopt your product or platform. This can be achieved by paying attention to the following key aspects:

First and foremost, start with a clear and concise onboarding process that guides users through the essential features and functionalities. Use visually appealing walkthroughs, tooltips, or interactive tutorials to make the learning experience enjoyable and easy to follow. Ensure that you're not overwhelming users with too much information at once; instead, prioritize the most important aspects that will have the most significant impact on their initial experience.

Next, personalize the user onboarding journey by tailoring it to the specific needs and goals of each user. By understanding their unique preferences and requirements, you can deliver a more relevant and valuable experience. Encourage users to set up their profile or preferences early on, which will enable your platform to serve customized content and suggestions. Additionally, provide easy access to support resources and ensure that assistance is readily available, should users encounter any challenges during the onboarding process.

There are some companies that are acing the onboarding game. Let’s take a look at some of the best user onboarding examples for SaaS companies.

6 Best User Onboarding Examples of SaaS




Trello is a popular project management tool that offers an easy-to-use interface for organizing tasks, projects, and team workflows.

Here are some unique things they do in their user onboarding process:

  • Personalized onboarding: Trello asks you to choose your profession to tailor the experience for you and remind you of your objective. Encouraging users to identify their specific needs with a straightforward question (for example, selecting their use case) and personalizing their onboarding journey can enhance the likelihood of them experiencing their "aha moment."

  • Personalized welcome message: After signing up for Trello, users receive a personalized welcome message from the Trello team. The message includes a brief introduction to the platform and tips on how to get started.


  • Example board: Trello provides users with an example board that demonstrates how to use the platform for project management. The board includes sample cards and lists, and users can interact with it to get a better understanding of Trello's capabilities.





Loom is a video communication platform that allows users to create and share short videos with their teams or clients. Here are some unique things they do in their user onboarding process:

  • Interactive walkthrough: Loom offers an interactive walkthrough that guides new users through the platform's features and functionalities. The walkthrough includes step-by-step instructions on how to create and share videos.
  • Progress Tracking: Loom's onboarding checklist includes a progress tracker, allowing users to see which tasks they've completed and what tasks are still remaining.
  • Personalization: Loom's onboarding checklist is personalized based on the user's role and use case, providing tasks and resources that are relevant to their specific needs.


  • Customer support: Loom offers 24/7 customer support through chat or email. Users can ask questions and receive assistance from a customer support representative, ensuring that they have the help they need to get started with the platform.




Basecamp is a popular project management and collaboration tool used by businesses of all sizes. They have a unique user onboarding process that sets them apart from other similar tools. Here are some of the unique things they do:

  • Interactive Tours: Basecamp uses interactive tours to help users explore the various features of the tool. These tours are interactive and visually appealing, which makes the onboarding process more effective. It also offers interactive elements such as buttons and drag-and-drop functionality, which encourage users to engage with the product and get hands-on experience.
  • Welcome walkthrough: Basecamp offers a walkthrough to get the user through the boring basics fast. It helps users to customize the product to their specific needs. This can include setting up projects, assigning team members, and configuring notifications and other settings.


  • Personalized Support: Basecamp offers personalized support to help users troubleshoot any issues they may encounter during the onboarding process. The product includes a support team that is available to answer questions and provide assistance as needed.
  • Onboarding Resources: Basecamp provides a range of resources to help users get started with the product, including support articles, templates, best practices guides, and a user community forum.




Webflow is a popular visual website design and development platform that offers a unique onboarding process that sets them apart from other similar tools. Here are some of the unique things they do:

  • Visual Onboarding: Webflow uses visual onboarding to help new users understand the key features and functionality of the tool. They provide a step-by-step guide that walks users through the process of designing and developing a website using the platform.

  • Customizable Dashboard: Webflow offers a customizable dashboard that allows users to organize their projects and workflows in a way that works best for them. This feature helps users stay organized and focused on their goals.
  • Design Assets: Webflow provides a library of design assets that users can use to jumpstart their projects. These assets include pre-designed templates, UI kits, and other design elements that help users get started quickly.




Notion is a versatile productivity and collaboration tool that offers a unique user onboarding process that sets them apart from other similar tools. Here are some of the unique things they do:

  • Pre-made Templates: Notion offers a wide range of pre-made templates that users can choose from to get started quickly. These templates cover a variety of use cases, from personal organization to team collaboration.


  • Collaborative Onboarding: Notion encourages users to invite their team members to the onboarding process, which fosters collaboration and helps everyone get up to speed quickly.


  • Customizable Workspaces: Notion provides customizable workspaces that allow users to organize their work in a way that works best for them. This flexibility enables users to create workflows and processes that are tailored to their needs.




Canva is a popular graphic design and visual content creation tool that offers a unique user onboarding process that sets them apart from other similar tools. Here are some of the unique things they do:

  • Pre-made Templates: Canva offers a wide range of pre-made templates that users can choose from to get started quickly. These templates cover a variety of use cases, from social media graphics to business cards.


  • Design School: Canva has a Design School that offers a range of courses and tutorials on graphic design and visual content creation. These courses are helpful for new users who are not familiar with design principles and best practices.
  • Collaborative Onboarding: Canva encourages users to invite their team members to the onboarding process, which fosters collaboration and helps everyone get up to speed quickly.


  • Customizable Brand Kit: Canva offers a customizable brand kit that allows users to save their brand assets, such as logos, fonts, and colors. This feature enables users to maintain consistency across their designs and projects.


Having a user-focused and value-driven onboarding funnel has far-reaching benefits beyond just increasing trial-to-paid conversions. It forms the foundation for building a sustainable and profitable SaaS business that can scale effectively. By prioritizing the onboarding experience for your users, you can create a loyal customer base and increase retention, leading to long-term growth and success.

Inturact’s SaaS user onboarding framework has been proven to be highly effective in increasing paid customer conversions. With our services, we will work with you to plan, build, track, and implement a powerful onboarding funnel that will lead to greater success for your business.

Try out Inturact and optimize your user onboarding process and achieve your goals.
