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Christina Clemens7/14/15 10:43 AM3 min read

9 Tips to Share with Your Business’s Blogger


You recognize the importance of great content marketing to the overall health and success of your business. You’ve entrusted that vital role in the hands of your blogger. But even the best of bloggers can benefit from a quick nudge from a few time-tested tips and tricks. We’ve compiled the nine most essential pieces for blogging that industry experts are using today. Go over it together, put them into practice, and watch those rewards come rolling in.

1. Headlines, Headlines, Headlines

Reading by nature is a visual activity. And with more and more mobile visitors, the quick skim and scan has become a preferred method of digesting the wealth of information available on the web. So don’t be afraid to spend a lot of time here. In fact, copywriter Joanna Wiebe recommends spending 90% of writing time on the title itself. (Click to Tweet!) Make it attention grabbing (but forget the click bait), informative, and cohesive.

2. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

Writers love exploring their artistic side. But sometimes, it’s better to stick with what works rather than coming up with a new formula each and every time. Resources like Hubspot’s blog topic generator were made by bloggers for bloggers. Use ‘em and reuse ‘em.

3. Get Attention but the Right Kind of Attention

Let’s rewind it back to click bait for a moment. Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by an overly sensational title and its lackluster contents. (Click to Tweet!) Yeah, don’t do that. If your blogger doesn’t have the content to back up those outlandish statements, you and your site will soon get a reputation as being click bait artists.

4. Don’t Forget Your Introductions

Titles are important but your introduction is too. Did your blogger reel them in with a great title? Now, it’s time to flex those writing muscles. Hubspot noted a recent investigation by Chartbeat, which reveals that 10% of all readers never scroll past the fold on a given article. Take advantage of their nine-step system to craft introductions that both entertain and inform readers.

5. Basic is Okay

We’re not saying your business’s blogger should put people to sleep. However, instead of focusing on entertaining the heck out of everyone, sometimes you’ve got to actually answer questions - even the basic ones. How-to guides, graphs, and statistics all provide value to your readers. That’s what good online content marketing is all about.

6. Speak Universal English

Knowing buzzwords is essential to speaking your business’ language. But if your target audience needs an industry specific dictionary to understand your post, you’re OD-ing on jargon. This idea goes back again to being value-centric. Too many buzzwords and the meaning of your content goes right out the window.

7. Know Your Buyer Personas

Have you shared your buyer personas with your blogger yet? Make the most of your investment in content marketing by previewing what your audience is looking for. Analyze the typical inquiries these buyer personas make about your business and then create content that answers their most burning questions.

8. Be Authoritative

Something weird happens to many knowledgeable people when they sit down to write. They begin to doubt themselves and it shows through in their writing. To be recognized as a source of authority, you’ve got to write authoritatively. (Click to Tweet!)  Moz Blog recommends striking phrases like, “I think,” “I feel,” and “might” from your blogging vocabulary. It’s an easy fix for wishy-washy writing.

9. Analyze and Reflect

You may have the auditing and analysis of your blog posts done by another person entirely. That’s totally fine. However, you must share the results with your blogger. Otherwise, it’s a bit like taking an exam and never receiving the results. This detailed insight will help your blogger plan posts better and follow what works.

*Bonus Blogger Tip*

And for a final bonus tip from your friendly business blogger: make a style guide. You, your content manager, and your bloggers can create one together, or follow one of the hundreds readily available online. Regardless, tailor it to meet the needs of your business. Clear rules make for clear content.

Feeling creative? Try out these growth hacking topics to add some more juice to your blog. Or you could even try taking it to the next level with an eBook. Want some advice on how you're doing so far? Sign up for a free assessment and we'll take a look!

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Christina Clemens

Check out all of the latest marketing blogs written by Christina Clemens, Inturact's Client Success Manager.