Being an inbound digital marketer today means that you’ll never stop learning. From changes in Google algorithms to weekly CMS platform updates, it can become pretty overwhelming if one does not keep up. The theories regarding the direction of digital marketing are in constant flux themselves, even beyond the constant platform updates, and there is always something new to try or discover.
Companies like Hootsuite and HubSpot are coming out with incredible certification programs that truly help you become a better digital marketer. The best part of all is that you can trust these programs—all of them were created by top thought-leaders in the industry. So why not take advantage? Clients will appreciate the time you've taken to prove your digital savvy.
Here are 9 reasons why you should get certified:
1. For the most part, they're free. Sure, a Master’s in Strategic Communication sounds tempting, but not everyone has the money for that. With a few short, but intensive courses, you’ll learn a lot without spending the cash or the extra time.
2. Stay current. Learn about innovative ideas from field experts. Mega-tech companies like Google and Bing make sure to keep their curriculums updated, always. In fact, many certificate providers, like HubSpot, limit the validity of their certifications to a year. This shows they are keeping their material fresh. And though you may have to renew your certification over time, you can be sure that you will have the most recent information under your belt.
3. Become and stay valuable. If you're seeking employment, a certification is a great tiebreaker. If you are a recent marketing graduate, you’ll likely soon find out that your college courses fell a little short of modern marketing standards. With an online marketing certification, you’ll be current and will stay current for future employment. If you are a certified Inbound Marketing Manager already, you know that you are tougher to replace or be out-sourced to a non-certified vendor.
4. Fill in knowledge gaps. Even if you've been using Adwords or HubSpot CMS for some time, earning a certification will help you fill in gaps as you prepare for the exam.
5. Foster credibility. Having an official badge or certificate from Google or HubSpot is a big deal. Clients will trust you (and your company) even more and choose you over other competitors.
6. Boost your confidence. Want a boost of confidence as a professional? A certification program is the way to go. Just, you know, don’t act like a know-it-all in meetings. Stay humble and keep making a difference in your clients’ businesses.
7. Experience immediate ROI. This is, undoubtedly, the best part. Class after class, you’ll notice that there’s always something new to try with clients. You’ll find that your new source of digital marketing wisdom will inspire new ideas that will make you, your company, and your client more profit than expected.
8. Pump out more content for your personal or company blog. Reviewing class materials can be fun and profitable! By writing weekly blog posts about your newest insights, you’ll not only drive more people to your site but you’ll also give some extra thought to the materials presented to you in class.
9. Show it off. You know you want to flaunt your certificate. Go ahead; let them know who’s boss. Frame your certificate and hang it up in your office.
A marketing certification also looks great on resumes, LinkedIn profiles, social networks, your website, and email signatures. (Click to tweet)
Certifications we like:
We love the Inbound Certification program. This short but intensive cert covers everything on your inbound list including Blogging, Social Media, Content Strategy, and Lead Conversion.
The basic program is broken down into 9 video classes around 1 hour each. There’s a test at the end, so take notes! The certification is free, and it expires after 1 year.
If your company is a HubSpot Partner, you’ll have access to other certification programs as well— check out the full suite of options on their training website.
Hootsuite University provides a Social Media Certification that, after completion, will give you an exciting edge; you'll be listed as a certified professional in Hootsuite's directory.
This certification program will test and reinforce your knowledge of the HootSuite dashboard and social media concepts. To take the course and the test you are required to have access to Hootsuite's monthly service plan of $21 a month.
Becoming a Google Partner means that you will be designated as an Adwords master. This newly free certification program, which used to be $50 a test, allows you and your company to be part of their directory of professionals.
The exams that you’ll have to complete in order to become a Google Partner are not easy. Luckily, Google provides you with detailed study guides that’ll prepare you for the exam and daily life as a digital marketer. You'd be able to re-take the exam after 7 days if you didn’t pass on your first try. The Google Partnership certificate is valid for 2 years.
Which certifications are important to your business?
Did you know we're HubSpot Partners? Contact us today to see how we can assess and help your business grow with what we learned while obtaining our certifications! Want another great reason to contact us in regards to receiving a business assessment? It's free!