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Mary Clark Rardin8/6/15 3:03 PM2 min read

5 Quick Tips On Marketing Your SaaS Product


As an owner or executive of a SaaS company, you know that marketing your B2B product is unlike marketing any other traditional service or item. SaaS companies like yours are in the unique position of needing to acquire new customers quickly and upsell current customers regularly to maximize customer lifetime value.

As you plan your marketing strategy, keep these 5 quick tips in mind to maximize your ROI and build a loyal customer base.

Outline the Identifiable Problem

Here’s where it all begins. If your product doesn’t solve your customer’s biggest problem, why are you selling it? Explain to your potential customers how your product will increase their productivity, sales and success. Focus on the bigger issues your product solves and you’ll begin to build your base.

Identify What Makes You Stand Out

The SaaS market is crowded; there’s no doubt about that. In fact, the International Data Corporation predicts that 1 out of every 5 dollars spent on software will come from the cloud software market by 2018. To rise to the top, you’ll have to go beyond describing what your product does. Instead, hone in on a few things that make you different and back up your assertions with concrete evidence. Essentially ask yourself, "why is what you’re selling better than the rest?". Try to concentrate on highlighting benefits vs features. This will start getting your focus in the right direction.

Leverage Current Customers to Build A Greater Customer Base

You’re well on your way to creating a marketing plan that works. Now it’s time to put your happy customers to work. Use customer feedback, ideas and reviews to shape your buyer personas. These success stories make excellent case studies. They also allow you to position yourself as an industry leader and build brand loyalty, so make sure these success testimonials are illustrated on your website and other marketing channels. 

Focus on Ease of Signup

Don’t lose potential customers right before they sign up. Keep it short and sweet. (Click to Tweet!) Focus on using as few touch points as possible. It’s time to get them hooked, so lower frustration levels by only requiring one or two fields. There are many approaches to sign ups but as long as you try to make it easy for a visitor to sign up for your offer, free-trial, or demo you will be on the right path. 

Increase Brand Loyalty During Free Trials

Make purchasing your product as easy (or easier) as signing up. Engage with your users before the expiration date rolls around through an automation system. These personalized, informative communications help move your user along the sales funnel and can even be used to announce a discount for activating before the free trial expires. You can also present your social media channels and your blog as additional resources for your user to learn more about your product along their buyer journey.  

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Mary Clark Rardin

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