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Lauren Van Mullem6/9/14 3:18 PM2 min read

10 Tell-Tale Signs You Need Marketing Automation


Let me tell you how not one, but three, businesses lost my money this week: They never called me back. I just bought my first home with my husband and let me tell you – the house hasn’t been touched since it was built in 1961. It needs a lot of work, and I’m more than willing to pay a painter, floor installer, and a good cleaning service to make some of that work go away. I’ve been mostly using website contact forms instead of calling because it’s more convenient, but I’ve noticed a curious trend: Nothing happens after I leave them all of my information. If they can’t be bothered to respond, I’ll give my money to someone who will.

These businesses need automated marketing. With every un-answered query, they’re losing hundreds of dollars. But the important question today is: Are you losing money too?

Is Automated Marketing Right for You?

As much as we’d love to say that Marketing Automation is a surefire win for everyone – it isn’t. But, if you’re ready for it, Automated Marketing is the best thing since sliced bread. Convenient, cost-effective, and clients love it – really, in a few years we’ll be saying sliced bread is the best thing since automated marketing! Here are 10 ways to tell if you’re ready for it.

  1. Are you generating leads through your website now?
  2. Are leads coming in through social media channels?
  3. Are you constantly trying to keep up with emails from prospective clients?
  4. Do you already have email templates set up for different types of inquiries?
  5. Is your sales team frustrated by the poor quality of leads coming in?
  6. Have you developed a repeatable, intuitive process to respond to lead inquiries?
  7. Do you have metrics in place to know how many leads you get, and how many turn into sales?
  8. Have you documented your lead nurturing processes?
  9. Do you wish leads would come to you with fewer questions, ready to buy?
  10. Do you value your time?

If you answered No to most of those questions, then don’t waste your money. You’re not ready for automated marketing, and that’s okay. Work towards defining your processes when you get a lead, dividing your leads into segments, and collecting metrics. Once you have those nailed down, you can automate the process and make life a little easier.

To take your business to the next level, you need two things in place:

  • A good volume of leads coming in through your website and/or social media
  • A good process in place for turning leads into sales

All the fancy sales tools in the world aren’t going to fix your business if you don’t have those two magic ingredients. However, if you do already have that foundation, we can help you automate your marketing to…

  • Shorten your sales cycle
  • Make your sales team deliriously happy (they’ll be closing far more often!)
  • Give instant gratification to leads who want immediate feedback
  • Keep more clients
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Increase sales!

If the business I called this week had instantly responded with emails answering some of my questions, and letting me know someone would be contacting me on the next business day, I’d be a much happier lead. I’m ready to buy, but only if my questions are met with great – and fast – customer service. Automated marketing provides exactly that.



Lauren Van Mullem

Lauren Van Mullem, who captures your authentic voice in a way that meets the needs of your specific audience, and her solid knowledge of on-page SEO will get your web content noticed. In fact, she literally wrote the book on marketing using Pinterest for the twenty women’s travel bloggers she managed on Wanderlust and Lipstick. Her theory is that to be a successful writer – and a valuable asset to any business – you have to have a gift with words and a mind for marketing. She works daily to develop both.