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Evergreen SaaS marketing strategies
Ashley Grant7/2/24 6:30 AM9 min read

8 Evergreen SaaS Marketing Strategies

8 Evergreen SaaS Marketing Strategies

There are very few spaces in the tech landscape that evolve at a more rapid pace than Software as a Service (SaaS). Having a marketing strategy with adaptability and resilience is critical for maintaining consistent growth and ultimately, reaching new levels of success. Unlike most traditional businesses, however, SaaS companies are incredibly reliant on digital channels and innovation when reaching their target audience. The incredibly high degree of competitiveness in the SaaS market requires an adaptive, dynamic approach to marketing strategies, to facilitate pivoting with changing customer behaviors and trends.

For organizations in the SaaS space, effective marketing doesn’t just mean attracting new customers. It requires an added focus on retaining existing customers and building loyalty to maximize the overall lifetime value. The unique subscription-based structure of SaaS means that long-term customer relationships are essential. As a result, implementing evergreen marketing strategies, or strategies that retain significant effectiveness over time, is critical for crafting a strong, resilient business.

In this post, we’re going to dig into several evergreen marketing strategies that are specifically tailored for SaaS businesses. In choosing to adopt some or even all of these strategies, SaaS organizations can be proactive in helping drive growth and in adapting to a constantly shifting landscape.

1. Taking A Closer Look at the SaaS Customer Lifecycle and Its Impact on Marketing

The lifecycle of a SaaS customer is a framework that helps outline the specific stages that the average customer goes through from initial product or service awareness to long-term retention. Understanding this lifecycle is important for crafting effective marketing strategies that cater to the needs and behaviors of customers at every stage of the process.

The customer lifecycle for SaaS companies will usually consist of the following stages:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Acquisition
  • Onboarding
  • Retention
  • Advocacy

Each one of these stages requires uniquely tailored approaches that help guide the customer through their particular journey.

In the initial stage of awareness, potential customers merely become aware of your product or service. Marketing efforts should be highly focused on brand visibility and providing valuable information to the audience regarding your services and the problems that your SaaS product solves. Some of the most effective tools for building awareness include SEO, content marketing, and social media campaigns.

The consideration stage is where prospects evaluate your project against competitors in the space. This is where it pays off to give the potential customer all of the detailed information they need, backed up by case studies, and maybe incentivized with a free trial. This can all help confirm or convince them of your product’s value.

The next stage is the acquisition stage, which is where the prospect is converted into a paying customer. Making the sign-up process as simple as possible, and providing incentives like potential discounts can help boost conversions. Sales teams should make efforts to be proactive in addressing any objectives or concerns.

Onboarding follows acquisition, and this stage is another incredibly important one. Here, your customer gets their tutorials, walkthroughs, and periodic check-ins to make sure they’re using the product effectively. Using automation here can help simplify things a lot.

Once customers are onboarded, you need to focus on retention by keeping them engaged and satisfied with the product or service. This is a major component to reducing customer churn. Providing regular updates, support, and even loyalty programs can help maintain long-term relationships.

Engaged, satisfied customers will become brand advocates, and will help provide referrals and positive reviews. Encourage this advocacy with referral bonus programs and by showing off success stories from happy customers.

2. Exploring the Role of Content Marketing in SaaS Growth


Content marketing is a fundamental component of any SaaS marketing strategy. It helps position your organization or brand as an authority in the space, it educates potential customers about your offerings, and it can help nurture leads through the entire buyer’s journey. Relevant, high-quality content will significantly impact the growth of your SaaS business by drawing in and engaging, boosting conversions the whole time.

One of the primary benefits of content marketing is the ability to drive organic traffic with effective search engine optimization, or SEO. Creating content that has substantial value to your customers, content that speaks to the pain points and interests of your audience will help improve your search engine rankings and boost overall visibility. This can include content like blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and even eBooks, which are all effective ways to boost your SEO rankings and reach new potential customers.

Content marketing is also critical for lead nurturing, and with intelligent use of things like drip campaigns, email newsletters, and individualized content recommendations, you can more effectively keep your audience engaged and actively traversing the sales funnel. Additionally, incorporating case studies can be a powerful way to build trust and confidence in potential customers.

Finally, content marketing helps establish thought leadership. By consistently producing insightful and industry-relevant content, your brand becomes a trusted resource for others in the space, fostering enhanced credibility and loyalty in your audience. Hosting webinars, participating in industry events, and publishing original research are all great ways to make sure people see your brand as a SaaS leader.

3. Leveraging Data-Driven Marketing to Personalize User Experience

Data-driven marketing is essential for personalizing the user experience, which in turn, is critical for attracting and retaining customers in spaces as highly competitive as SaaS. Leveraging customer data helps businesses to create more specifically targeted and relevant marketing campaigns. These campaigns resonate more powerfully with individual users and help increase engagement and overall conversions.

One of the biggest benefits of data-driven marketing is being able to segment your audience based on nearly endless criteria. You can segment your audience based on things like behavioral traits or trends, demographics, and purchase history, letting you create marketing messages that are far more personalized and therefore, more meaningful to your audience. With messages that are customized to the specific needs and preferences of the audience segment, personalized marketing content can deliver offers that are directly relevant to the interests and current needs of the recipient.

Predictive analytics is another incredibly potent way that data-driven marketing can enhance your SaaS marketing strategies. By integrating machine learning, businesses can more accurately predict customer behavior and preferences in the future. This means predictive models can help identify users or whole user segments that may be at risk of churning, for example, allowing you to intervene and implement highly targeted retention efforts to keep those users engaged.

4. Studying the Emerging Trends in SaaS Marketing for the Coming Years


Critical to maintaining a keen competitive edge in SaaS marketing is the ability to identify and stay ahead of emerging trends, making sure that your marketing strategies stay effective, and your marketing dollars remain wisely invested. As technology and customer behaviors continue to change and evolve, the approaches that drive marketing success must, as well. Being aware of these trends allows SaaS businesses to better adapt and innovate, helping keep their marketing efforts fresh and relevant.

One significant emerging trend in SaaS marketing is the growing emphasis on user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX). As competition intensifies, companies that prioritize delivering exceptional experiences through intuitive interfaces, personalized onboarding, and proactive support will gain a competitive edge.

Another notable trend is the adoption of account-based marketing (ABM) strategies, which involves targeting specific high-value accounts and tailoring marketing efforts to engage key decision-makers. By focusing on strategic accounts and delivering personalized content and experiences, SaaS companies can improve conversion rates and build long-term relationships.

5. Smart Use of Social Proof & Customer Testimonials

Some of the most powerful tools in SaaS marketing are social proof and customer testimonials since they can help build credibility and trust incredibly quickly with potential customers. In a space where prospective clients often rely on the experiences of peers and others before making any final decision on their purchase. This means that leveraging social proof can significantly boost the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Customer testimonials are particularly effective because they’re able to provide firsthand accounts of positive experiences that other verified users have had. Highlighting these testimonials on your website, social media, and even in your marketing content can help showcase the benefits your product has over competitors, and can help build trust. Video testimonials specifically can add a very personal touch that makes the experiences much more relatable on a personal level.

While less popular than your typical reviews or testimonials, case studies are another incredibly valuable form of social proof. They are detailed accounts of how your specific product or service has helped specific clients reach their goals. By showing clear and measurable outcomes, case studies can create compelling evidence of the impact that using your service can have. Including data and their relation to key performance indicators can boost credibility even more.

6. Strategizing for Effective SaaS Pricing and Packaging

There are several pricing models that are common to the SaaS industry, each having unique advantages.

The first option and one of the most well-known is the freemium option. This model offers a basic version of the service for free, with a premium version available for a cost. This model lowers the barrier to entry and allows potential customers to try the product before investing in it.

Another popular option is tiered pricing, which has differently priced tiers that each provide varying or increasing levels of features. This is a great model for offering customers the flexibility to get the features they need at a fair price.

Finally, usage-based pricing charges customers based on their consumption of the service. This model is effective, and aligns cost with usage, while also offering scalability to accommodate the growth of the customer’s operations.

7. Integrating Customer Success Stories into Marketing Efforts

To effectively incorporate customer success stories into your marketing efforts, begin by identifying satisfied customers who have experienced substantial benefits from your product. Detailed interviews can help gather insights into their journey, the specific problems they faced, and how those problems were handled.

Once you’ve got these success stories, you’ll need to leverage them across multiple channels. Be sure they’re featured prominently on your website, especially on landing pages and within dedicated case study content sections.

8. Partner with Experts to Improve the Execution of Your Marketing Strategies

Choosing to partner with experts and industry leaders like Inturact can help you further enhance your marketing campaigns. Partnering with a company such as ours means you’ll have the tools and expertise you need to effectively execute successful campaigns available to you. Working with us helps you ensure your SaaS marketing strategies are future-proof. As a result, your organization can move through the market landscape with more confidence, helping to drive sustained success.

Partnering with experts brings a fresh perspective and deep industry knowledge to your marketing efforts. They can help you identify blind spots, optimize your strategies, and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving market. By leveraging their experience and expertise, you can avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your growth trajectory. Collaborating with a trusted partner allows you to focus on your core business while leaving the intricacies of marketing to the professionals who live and breathe it every day.

Are you ready to elevate your SaaS marketing efforts? Contact Inturact today to see how we can help you navigate the strategies we covered here and more!


Ashley Grant

Ashley Grant is a content creator currently based in Richmond, Ky. Ashley grew up in Tampa, and attended the University of South Florida. Go Bulls! When she isn’t writing and or hosting her Bloggy Friends Show podcast, she loves trying new foods and beverages, exploring the city she lives in, and traveling as much as possible. In addition to ghostwriting for several small businesses and freelance writing under her own name for a variety of websites, she blogs about her lifestyle, working from home, and much more at FamousAshleyGrant.