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Sharon Hurley Hall9/21/15 9:27 AM9 min read

How to Market Your SaaS Off: 29 Blogs Every SaaS Marketer Should Read


No matter what you know about SaaS marketing, there's always room to learn a little more. That's why we've prepared this roundup of the best blogs offering tips and ideas on marketing your SaaS. We've stuck to blogs that are still being updated and have a focus, or partial focus, on SaaS inbound marketing. And to get you started, we've picked a must-read from each blog. So dive in, and prepare to market your SaaS off!

1. Sixteen Ventures

Behind Sixteen Ventures is Lincoln Murphy, a true SaaS marketer, who specializes in SaaS marketing, customer acquisition, content marketing, and growth hacking among other things. His blog focuses on SaaS growth strategies. There's a heck of a lot of information on understanding your customers but also guidance on using email marketing, pricing, growth hacking, and much more.

Must read: SaaS Marketing Plan: 5 Ways to Get your Apps to Sell Itself

2. Bizible

Bizible's focus is pipeline marketing and to help you connect the marketing and sales data you have with your business goals. On the blog, you will find information specific to SaaS on search marketing, paid search, growth hacking, mobile, and more.

Must read: How To Solve Your Biggest SaaS Marketing Conundrums, With Lincoln Murphy

3. CB Insights

CB Insights is data focused so if you're looking for insights on industry trends to help improve your marketing, this is a great place to start. Just a heads up, there's a lot of data to wade through. One interesting recent post is based on their own experience of using technology and automation to develop new business.

Must read: The Marketing Stack of Lazy SaaS Company

4. Chaotic Flow

Chaotic Flow by Joel York aims to help executives with the business of SaaS (as well as IaaS and PaaS). There's a wealth of thought and data on the topic, but one of our favorites is the SaaS Metrics Maturity Model which helps businesses understand how to get from a new product to a company with predictable revenue.

Must read: SaaS Metrics Maturity Model

5. The Angel VC

Point Nine Capital's Christoph Janz is an Internet entrepreneur and angel investor. He blogs regularly about all things SaaS on The Angel VC and really knows his stuff.

Must read: The Evolution of the SaaS Landing Page

6. For Entrepreneurs

Forbes lists For Entrepreneurs as one of the best sites for entrepreneurs. It's maintained by venture capitalist David Skok, who was also a serial entrepreneur. The blog focuses mainly on SaaS businesses from an insider's viewpoint, and it's worth looking at for the regular SaaS surveys. But our top pick is about SaaS Metrics, another important area for SaaS content marketers.

Must read: SaaS Metrics 2.0 – A Guide to Measuring and Improving what Matters.

7. Hitenism

Hiten Shah is the co-founder of Crazy Egg and KISSMetrics, so he's definitely a SaaS expert. Whether you need information on funding or analytics, there's always some great insight on the Hitenism blog.

Must read: 7 SaaS Content Marketing Lessons

8. Insight Squared

Insight Squared has a lot of useful marketing content, including a focus on SaaS analytics. However, it's difficult to pick just one. There's a fascinating article which gives insight into HubSpot back when it had fewer than 100 employees. But our pick is a long list of apps that will help make your marketing more successful. You'll need a cup of coffee before you settle down to read this one!

Must read: The Most Powerful Apps For Sales And Marketing Teams

9. Inturact

Since SaaS marketing ideas are our business, we couldn't leave our own blog out of this roundup. We don't want to blow our own trumpet, but we're pretty sure you'll enjoy our most recent must-read (if you haven't read it already).

Must read: Does Your SaaS Company Have a SaasHole?

10. KISSMetrics

KISSMetrics is an all-around marketing powerhouse so it makes sense that it would have great content on SaaS marketing. There's a wealth of information for you to choose from here, on everything from using quantitative data to scaling your sales to SEO.

Must read: Why SaaS Designers Need to Know SEO.

11. Kuno Creative

Want to know how the latest trends in mobile, SEO and more will affect your SaaS marketing strategies? Check out the SaaS marketing category on the Kuno Creative blog. Our pick analyzes the launch websites of some of last year's biggest startups.

Must read: How Are the Hottest SaaS/Cloud Startups Going to Market?

12. New Breed Marketing

New Breed Marketing has hundreds of articles that can help you to market your SaaS company better. Goals, strategies, skills - it's all there. One of their recent in-depth posts helps you get SaaS marketing ideas from the pros, which is why it's our pick today.

Must read: 13 SaaS Marketing Pros Reveal Their Lead Generation Strategies

13. Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré

SaaS consultant Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré contributes to Inturact as the CSO but also has her own successful blog. Topics in the SaaS category include guidance on pricing and customer success. Our favorite high-value pick is a huge list of resources to get even more insight into every aspect of marketing your business.

Must read: 40+ SaaS, Marketing, and Growth Newsletters

14. OKDork

OKDork's Noah Kagan focuses on startups and marketing. He's AppSumo's Chief Sumo, with a work pedigree including Facebook and Mint, so it's worth paying attention to what he says. Our pick is an oldie, but goodie to help you build up the best marketing team.

Must read: How to Hire a Great Marketing Person

15. OpenView Labs

OpenView Labs is another expert marketing blog covering everything you would want to know to help your startup grow. As well as some great pieces on content marketing and marketing and sales alignment there's a useful case study which is our top pick from the site.

Must read: From Cold Start to $168 Million Exit: 3-Step Playbook for Building a Marketing Machine

16. PayLane

As you would expect, the PayLane blog looks at SaaS from the viewpoint of a payment processor which means it covers ground some others miss. If you're looking for advice on creating an online store, pricing, billing, and more you can find it here. Our pick is a roundup of pricing best practices from some of the top SaaS companies.

Must read: 11 Tips for a Pricing Page from 10 SaaS Rockstars

17. Positionly

Positionly only has a few articles on SaaS marketing, but it's worth including here because of an in-depth guide to SaaS marketing written by inbound marketing expert Kristi Hines. The guide covers everything from competitive analysis and website optimization to social media and content marketing.

Must read: SaaS Marketing. The Complete Guide for B2B Companies

18. Prudent Cloud

Prudent Cloud was created by Subraya Mallya to help SaaS companies and startups with marketing and business product development. The owners have been writing about SaaS for a long time so there's a wealth of great content in the archives. Our pick was written back in 2009 but is still worth reading today.

Must read: SaaS Sales Strategies

19. Ryan Battles

Ryan Battles has literally written the book on SaaS marketing essentials so it's no surprise that his blog is chock-full of tips on successfully marketing your SaaS. Look through the archives to find practical advice, reviews, and interviews. Today's pick focuses on the metrics you should be tracking for your SaaS product and highlights some tools to help you with tracking.

Must read: 5 Essential Traction Analytics for Startups

20. SaaS Marketing Strategy

SaaS Marketing Strategy's Peter Cohen has an impressive resume, including time with Lotus and IBM. This blog is only updated occasionally, but there's useful information on

understanding buyers and customers, and ensuring that your marketing hits the target. Our must-read is about avoiding the mistakes that drive your customers away.

Must read: How to Lose a Customer in the First 90 Days

21. SaaS Metrics

SaaS Metrics is a metrics tracker for start-ups and software service companies. The company blog deals with customer success, growth strategies, the economics of SaaS companies and, of course, marketing. Our pick today is all about metrics. Check it out.

Must read: The Right SaaS Metrics for Each Stage of Your Company

22. SaaStr

SaaStr showcases the voices of a huge community of SaaS founders and entrepreneurs so it's one of the top reads on this list. Since it's hard to choose just one standout post from such a huge community, our pick is one of their own roundups showing the best of the site.

Must read: The Best of SaaStr: Our Top 100 Posts, Organized by Topic (Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, etc.)

23. Salesforce

We would be remiss to do this roundup without including the Salesforce blog. It has content on every part of marketing with a customer relation management (CRM) spin. Successful marketing means good customer relations (a critical SaaS success factor), so have a look at our pick from this blog.

Must read: The Top 8 Trends in Customer Service

24. Sales Hacker

Don't be fooled by this blog's title. There's a heck of a lot of information on marketing for SaaS companies, covering everything from pipeline management to customer success.

Must read: How To Build a Referral Engine with These 6 Quick Tips

25. Signal v. Noise - Basecamp

Basecamp's Signal v. Noise blog deals with many aspects of doing business online. Don't miss the chance to understand who you are marketing to - it's our pick.

Must read: Marketing Around Situations

26. Tomasz Tunguz

Tomasz Tunguz is part of Redpoint and lives and breathes issues related to startups. The SaaS category of his blog is rich and varied, covering issues including market segmentation, distribution, start-up management, user churn, and much more. It's hard to pick just one post from the list, but this summary of a talk by the previous CMO of Zendesk is well worth a read.

Must read: The 9 Marketing Disciplines of Great SaaS Companies

27. ToTango

The ToTango blog's SaaS marketing category is focused on marketing for customer success. The blog also covers an amazing array of related topics ranging from customer analytics to onboarding.

Must read: The Loyalty Link: Marketing to Engage and Retain

28. Price Intelligently

Price Intelligently provides SaaS pricing strategy expertise through our unique combination of data and industry experience.

Must read: How To Find The Best Pricing Strategy For a SaaS Product

29. ChartMogul

Information on SaaS & subscription reporting, analytics & metrics. In one click get your MRR, LTV, churn rate, cohort analysis and more.

Must read: How To Achieve Positive Growth with Negative Churn

Now that you've seen this list, it's over to you. What's the best recent tip you got on SaaS content marketing and where did you find it? Please share in the comments.

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Sharon Hurley Hall

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